I Like You Just The Way You Are

Lately there are many articles that speak about Helen Mirren. She won an Oscar for her performance as an actress in leading role on “The Queen”.

As seen in many interviews on TV, I must say, she got the look, the class and the elegance in her. Practically she’s got all that effortless. It came from the inside.

Waktu ngeliat dia di Oscar, gue stunned. She was so beautiful. Bahkan dia gak kalah cantik dibandingkan bintang-bintang muda yang lainnya.

Kenapa gue nulis tentang ini? Ngapain juga sih nih orang nulis tentang Helen Mirren ? My point ngomongin dia adalah : liat gak? You don’t have to push yourself too hard so other people would recognize / notice about you. If you’re good, you’re good. If they love you, they love you just the way you are.

Kadang semakin usia orang semakin tua, biasa mereka semakin takut kalo mereka gak akan disukain lagi orang-orang di sekitar mereka. Come on lah, getting old is natural. It’s something yang udah gak bisa dihindarin. Dicegah dalam berbagai macam cara pun pasti in the end, it will show anyway. Keriput, gray hairs and more will shows itself anyway. Kenapa sih banyak dari budaya / lifestyle di belahan dunia manapun susah banget nerima kenyataan kalo mereka tambah tua? Bahkan as we know some of these people malah ngelakuin operasi plastik, implant payudara, nyuntik botox, liposuction!!! Kenapa sih gak duit untuk begituan disumbang buat apa kek?

Liat dunks Helen Mirren, Rima Melati, Widyawati …they grow old gracefully dan tetep cantik kan?

Gue adalah tipikal orang yang percaya kalo beauty does come from inside. So no matter what, you don’t have to put your effort to the limit just to make people recognize your presence. I find these people are just pathetic. It applies for both sexes.


M vs F

Hihihi...I smiled when I saw above image on Njie's blog. It reflects the different way of thinking between men and women.

For those who find it difficult to understand, more or less here's the explanation.
Somebody asked you to go to GAP (it's a clothing label from USA) store in a mall to buy a pair of pants. A specific task for you to deal with. GAP Store - choose - grab - pay the pants - and then done.
If you look at the image, it shows that man can get right to the GAP Store and finished his task within 6 min (of course this just an illustration). While women, hehehe they're lurking around the mall, enter each store that they can enter. In the end, they spent 3 hrs and 26 min in the mall and forgot their task to go to the GAP Store to buy a pair of pants.

Hehehe...of course. It is just an illustration. But, it's just so funny.


I Learned From The Best

Suatu hari yang cerah…jalan-jalan sore lah gue ama Ans. Dijemputlah gue, dan meluncurlah kita ke Plaza Senayan. Perjalanan itu kemudian menjadi 30 menit terlama dalam hidup gue.

I love music. Love it so much that I can hear one song thousand times over and over again. But, I just can’t stand listening to one music singed by some stress bimbo (hehehe..sorry Ans).

Okay…she’s in stress and been through a pain relationship with her man. But, singing this particular song over and over again…MAN SHE’S MENTAL!!!!

Imagine you have a friend who sings in a center stage, crying out loud, acting like she’s a superstar but, this time she sings in a car in the middle of traffic jam.

Whitney Houston was her choice at that moment and below is the lyric. Review the lyric and then you’ll know how pathetic she can be. Wakakakak…beneran gak bermaksud nyela lho, Nis.

I Learned From The Best - Whitney Houston

Did you really think that I would really take you back
Let you back in my heart one more time
Ohh. No. No.
Did you think that I'd still care
That there'd be more feeling there
Did you think you could walk back in my life.
So you found you miss the love you threw away. Baby but you found it out too late. Too Late.

And so now you know the way it feels to cry
The way that I cried when you broke my world in two.
Baby I learned the way to break a heart
I learned from the best.
I learned from you.
Oh baby now.
I learned from you
I remember cold nights
Tears I though would never dry
How you shattered my world
With your goodbye.Your goodbye baby
Would've sold my soul then.
Just to have you back again
Now you're the last thing on my mind.
Now you say your sorry and You've changed your ways Sorry but you changed you ways too late.

So when all you've got are sleepless nights
When those tears are clouding up your eyes
Just remember it was you who said goodbye
Who said goodbye.

ps : i do not upload the song. coz i don't fond of it very much

What Ans did, I have to say, kelewat dibawa masuk ke dalam hati. Although sebenernya gak fair juga buat gue untuk ngomong seperti itu. Kadang rasa sakit hati yang dialami seseorang punya kadar yang berbeda-beda and I’m in no position to be the judge of that. Setiap orang punya caranya sendiri dalam mengatasi rasa sakit hati mereka.

Regarding the song, it does quite have a deep meaning actually. Though I must say, it is also cheesy. To you who read this next line, please do bear in mind, it’s has nothing to do with my life, other person’s life or what-so-ever. All the side effects of this next line are purely coincidental.

“Most men / women can never be thankful for what they have in their life. They sometime never can appreciate something precious in their life, until it’s gone. Once it’s gone there will only be regret. Is it too late? No, I, personally have to say no. But, one can not expect for that precious to come back and fill your life again. If that’s happens, you will now learn to pay more respect and give more of your best for your precious thing. So, you won’t repeat the same mistake”
