It's Only Hurt When I'm Breathing

Baru dapet lagu ini dari temen gue. Gak tau maksudnya apa sih dia ngasih lagu ini, out of the blue. But, it is a nice tune anyway. I notice that the lyric's quite good also. Temen gue cuman bilang begini di email-nya...

"Waktu gw masih mooning over that "previously love of my life", gw suka dengerin lagu ini. Agak2 masochist siy, tapi it really captures my feeling. Kalo gw denger lagu ini lagi, somehow there's a part of me that still and will always remember that someone - after all this person was, once, the love of my life.
You should be thankful to God for giving you a chance to love that much and that deep no matter how painful it is.
There's nothing in the world - or other people said and do - can make you heal, you will heal when it's time for you to heal and to move on. And I hope time will heal all your pain."

Hope life’s been good to you
Since you’ve been gone
I’m doin’ fine now, I’ve finally moved on
It’s not so bad, I’m not that sad

I’m not surprised just how well I survived
I’m over the worst, and I feel so alive
I can’t complain, I’m free again

And it only hurts when I’m breathing
My heart only breaks when it’s beating
My dreams only die when I’m dreaming
So, I hold my breath--to forget

Don’t think I’m lyin’ round cryin’ at night
There’s no need to worry, I’m really all right
I’ve never looked back--as a matter of fact

It only hurts when I breathe
No, I’ve never looked back
As a matter fact

Hurts when I’m breathing
Breaks when it’s beating
Die when I’m dreaming
It only hurts when I breathe

if you want to download this song, please right-click here

...I rest my case but yet still hoping for a miracle to happen.

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