For those who find it difficult to understand, more or less here's the explanation.
Somebody asked you to go to GAP (it's a clothing label from USA) store in a mall to buy a pair of pants. A specific task for you to deal with. GAP Store - choose - grab - pay the pants - and then done.
If you look at the image, it shows that man can get right to the GAP Store and finished his task within 6 min (of course this just an illustration). While women, hehehe they're lurking around the mall, enter each store that they can enter. In the end, they spent 3 hrs and 26 min in the mall and forgot their task to go to the GAP Store to buy a pair of pants.
Hehehe...of course. It is just an illustration. But, it's just so funny.
Rese deh.... bikin gw bertanya2 nih, soalnya kalo gw dikasih kasus kayak gini gw akan ada diantara dua gender, karena :
Waktu : 3jam 26 menit
Duit : $ 33
:p.. karena gw orangnya sangat selektif cari barang dan lebih suka muter2 dulu sampai bener2 klop dengan barang apa yang gw beli....
Yah kan itu bukan harga mati. Di antara 1 milyar manusia di muka bumi ini, gak mungkin lah semuanya baik pere ato laki...saklek begitu. Hihihihi.....
Gue malah bisa-bisa jadi begini :
Waktu : 3 jam 45 menit
Cash : $ 10 (buat beli minum doank)
Mungkin kasusnya lain lagi kalo orang itu temen kantor lu si Peggy. Huehehehehe
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