One Whole Complete Package

Pastinya kita tau lah kalo untuk nemuin one whole complete package in one person is impossible. Mungkin bukannya impossible. Kata-kata yang lebih tepat adalah kecil kemungkinannya untuk menemukan orang yang seperti itu.

Then what should we do when we found this person?
I don’t know.

Gue gak mungkin untuk ngasi tau apa yang harus dilakukan kalo lu nemu seseorang yang seperti itu. Karena rasanya gue gak punya kapabilitas untuk itu.
But, I think I can give a hint or two, maybe more.

Love her/him with all your heart.
Sounds cliché? Can’t argue with that. But, like you who must’ve hate to admit that, it’s true. When you love someone, that means in any case, in any circumstances you will always have to love her/him with all of your heart. Even when you’re done with her/him, when you find someone new you should always give her/him all of your heart.

Take care of her/him
Taking care of someone you love is important. Care her/him like you care for yourself. Imagine this, you will spend the rest of your life with this one person only. So, basically you can say, take her/him as your most valuable thing. if your partner don't do otherwise, let's just say she/he doesn't know what's the stake by doing so.

Don’t think about sex only.
Hum.... sex eventually will gradually fade-away. As your age getting older, the sex frequency will reduce gradually. Even on that orgasm departement (if you heard about andropause/menopause then you’ll know what I’m talking about). You see, if the sex gradually fades, if you have found this ‘almost’ so-called one whole complete package and you enjoy spending time with her/him, then everything will goes out well. Since you both enjoy the presence of one another.

Trust her/him with all of your heart.
Another cliché line. But, it’s true. Trust her/him with all of your heart. You should have no hessitation towards the one you love. They will never intentionally hurts you. If they did intentionally, then they just simpy don’t love you anymore. If they make mistakes, try to comply with the situation first. See it clearly, then decide. Never make any decision when you’re in an emotional state.

Never loose your hope.
Failure is something that can’t be avoided. It will always come and go. But, one thing I know with failure. You can learn from it so in the future you won’t repeat the same mistake once more. Even when you’re down and you said that you will never ever want to be in a relationship anymore and now you just want to fool around, eventually you will need somebody. Humans can not leave alone. Friends will never be enough and they’re not always be available when you’re in desperate needs.

In any case, I can say that there’s no such thing as perfect. Unless you’re a GOD. For me, imperfection makes everything perfect. Through imperfection, you can be a whole complete by sharing a part of your life with someone that you love most.

But, then again, I can never know what’s in your heart. It’s you who knows what’s inside. Only you who know what to do.

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