Manajemen Kangen

Gak! Ini gak ada hubungannya ama Kangen Band. Please deh…

Belum lama ini sewaktu di kantor dan gue kebetulan lagi mau ke WC, biasalah…”Stasia, ada bacaan ndak?” (Stasia adalah colleague gue yang cantik dan baik hati, kerjaannya monitoring competitor klien gue) dan dapetlah gue satu majalah dari dia.

Di majalah itu, setelah membalik-balik halamannya ada satu artikel yang nggelitik untuk gue komentarin. To be precise, bukan artikelnya yang mau gue komentarin. Tapi, ada satu kata di artikel itu yang buat gue, nohok banget. “Manajemen Kangen”.

Baru-baru ini gue baru menyadari kalo kadang rasa kangen itu gak selamanya baik. It’s like this following terms :

…Apapun yang berlebihan gak pernah baik…

Kangen is a good thing actually. Sampe satu titik, kadang rasa kangen kita bisa menyiksa diri kita sendiri dan orang yang kita kangenin.

In my case, sometime I just can’t help it. You see, it’s so typical of me and am sure most of my good friends knows that. They know, if I have someone special by my side, my face would be glowing like the moon. My mood becomes unbelievably happy. All of my thoughts are flowing like a river. In short….I’m becoming a whole different person.

But, I do realize that with my “kangen” feeling sometime am becoming a very clingy person. That’s what am talking about, rasa kangen bisa menyiksa diri kita sendiri dan orang kita kangenin. Entah karena kita jadi orang yang clingy atau jadi orang yang sering sms nanyain dia dimana tapi, begitu gak dapet kabar ato respond dari dia…eh kitanya kebat-kebit. Hehehehe…..gosh it’s so me. See…when it comes to that akhirnya kita jadi menyiksa diri kita sendiri.

Pada kenyataannya setelah dipikirkan, kangen tuh gak seharusnya menyiksa koq. Hari gini udah ada handphone, guys. SMS, telpon, MMS, video call (khusus yang mampu …hehehehe). So, banyak lah caranya.

Untuk yang dikangenin, alangkah baiknya, kalo respon yang setimpal diberikan ke pasangannya. I know sometime it’s irritating facing someone who is clingy and dependant to you all the time. But, let’s see, perhaps she/he really misses you that much. Better she/he do that to you regularly rather than she/he do it with someone else kan?

I don’t know whether it’s true or not…but it shows how much she/he loves you.

Yah, at certain point we do need to manage our “KANGEN” feeling in the end. Jangan sampe hal itu malah jadi back-fire buat kita kan?

But, believe me, there’s nothing wrong about this whole “KANGEN” thing.


Favorite Mistake

Why is it so difficult to forget someone that we have a crush-on with or someone that (perhaps) we …love?

The normal me would say :
“delete all of her/his photos”
“erase her/his number from your phonebook”
“find another woman/man to forget her/him”
“it’s just not worth the fight”

But, somehow, even if I said those words, I know it’s difficult to forget someone. Even when you know the fact that this person may not have or develop any feelings for you.

It is foolish. I must admit that. But, as my any other writings shows, I always have said there’s no such thing as foolishness when it comes to love and feeling. Though at a certain point still it looks dumb.

People find it hard to position themselves in other people’s positions or circumstances. They tend to speak without knowing or even ever experienced the experience itself. Telling someone to forget their’s special someone is one thing. But, to do it by your self is a completely another thing and I must say it’s way beyond easy.

You see…perhaps we just don’t want to close the door or settling down with our past. We just like or perhaps enjoy the torture. We might not call it as a torture. We just simply say that it is a …condition where we are in the wrong time and place. And some other time we just entertaining ourself by saying that it’ll soon be over. And it all goes by our choices. Yes. Our choices. We do have choices. But, we deliberately refuse to see that. And we keep falling with the same mistake over and over again. The mistake that has becoming our favorite mistake.

When it comes to “taken-for-granted” condition, I was once in the same position. I was a victim and a suspect also. But, now I understand, being taken for granted was never been easy. Now at least I learn for once…to be more honest with yourself and other people around you on our and their feeling. I must say a word of cautious, truthful might hurt your heart and your feeling. But, it’ll less pain when it’s almost done. At least it’ll help you to understand things better, it’ll help you to be more mature and more sensitive in any way.

Keep falling down in the same s**t…perhaps for a certain people (like me), we just love doing (again) that favorite mistakes. After all, we’re just human being.


Impossible Is Nothing

Pastinya kita tau lah kalo untuk nemuin one whole complete package in one person is impossible. Mungkin bukannya impossible. Kata-kata yang lebih tepat adalah kecil kemungkinannya untuk menemukan orang yang seperti itu. In anyway IMPOSSIBLE IS NOTHING!

Then what should we do when we found this person?
I don’t know.

Gue gak mungkin untuk ngasi tau apa yang harus dilakukan kalo lu nemu seseorang yang seperti itu. Karena rasanya gue gak punya kapabilitas untuk itu.

But, I think I can give a hint or two, maybe more.

  1. Love her/him with all your heart.

Sounds cliché? Can’t argue with that. But, like you who must’ve hate to admit that, it’s true. When you love someone, that means in any case, in any circumstances you will always have to love her/him with all of your heart. Even when you’re done with her/him, when you find someone new you should always give her/him all of your heart.

  1. Take care of her/him

Taking care of someone you love is important. Care her/him like you care for yourself. Imagine this, you will spend the rest of your life with this one person only. So, basically you can say, take her/him as your most valuable thing.

  1. Don’t think about sex only.

Hun, sex eventually will gradually fade-away. As your age getting older, the sex frequency will reduce gradually. Even on that orgasm departement (if you heard about andropause/menopause then you’ll know what I’m talking about). You see, if the sex gradually fades, if you have found this ‘almost’ so-called one whole complete package and you enjoy spending time with her/him, then everything will goes out well. Since you both enjoy the presence of one another.

  1. Trust her/him with all of your heart.

Another cliché line. But, it’s true. Trust her/him with all of your heart. You should have no hessitation towards the one you love. They will never intentionally hurts you. If they did intentionally, then they just simply don’t love you anymore. If they make mistakes, try to comply with the situation first. See it clearly, then decide. Never make any decision when you’re in an emotional state.

  1. Never loose your hope.

Failure is something that can’t be avoided. It will always come and go. But, one thing I know with failure. You can learn from it so in the future you won’t repeat the same mistake once more. Even when you’re down and you said that you will never ever want to be in a relationship anymore and now you just want to fool around, eventually you will need somebody. Humans can not leave alone. Friends will never be enough and they’re not always be available when you’re in desperate needs. But, your love one will.

In any case, I can say that there’s no such thing as perfect. Unless you’re a GOD. For me, imperfection makes everything perfect. Through imperfection, you can be a whole complete by sharing a part of your life with someone that you love most.

But, then again, I can never know what’s in your heart. It’s you who knows what’s inside. Only you who know what to do.

One Whole Complete Package

Pastinya kita tau lah kalo untuk nemuin one whole complete package in one person is impossible. Mungkin bukannya impossible. Kata-kata yang lebih tepat adalah kecil kemungkinannya untuk menemukan orang yang seperti itu.

Then what should we do when we found this person?
I don’t know.

Gue gak mungkin untuk ngasi tau apa yang harus dilakukan kalo lu nemu seseorang yang seperti itu. Karena rasanya gue gak punya kapabilitas untuk itu.
But, I think I can give a hint or two, maybe more.

Love her/him with all your heart.
Sounds cliché? Can’t argue with that. But, like you who must’ve hate to admit that, it’s true. When you love someone, that means in any case, in any circumstances you will always have to love her/him with all of your heart. Even when you’re done with her/him, when you find someone new you should always give her/him all of your heart.

Take care of her/him
Taking care of someone you love is important. Care her/him like you care for yourself. Imagine this, you will spend the rest of your life with this one person only. So, basically you can say, take her/him as your most valuable thing. if your partner don't do otherwise, let's just say she/he doesn't know what's the stake by doing so.

Don’t think about sex only.
Hum.... sex eventually will gradually fade-away. As your age getting older, the sex frequency will reduce gradually. Even on that orgasm departement (if you heard about andropause/menopause then you’ll know what I’m talking about). You see, if the sex gradually fades, if you have found this ‘almost’ so-called one whole complete package and you enjoy spending time with her/him, then everything will goes out well. Since you both enjoy the presence of one another.

Trust her/him with all of your heart.
Another cliché line. But, it’s true. Trust her/him with all of your heart. You should have no hessitation towards the one you love. They will never intentionally hurts you. If they did intentionally, then they just simpy don’t love you anymore. If they make mistakes, try to comply with the situation first. See it clearly, then decide. Never make any decision when you’re in an emotional state.

Never loose your hope.
Failure is something that can’t be avoided. It will always come and go. But, one thing I know with failure. You can learn from it so in the future you won’t repeat the same mistake once more. Even when you’re down and you said that you will never ever want to be in a relationship anymore and now you just want to fool around, eventually you will need somebody. Humans can not leave alone. Friends will never be enough and they’re not always be available when you’re in desperate needs.

In any case, I can say that there’s no such thing as perfect. Unless you’re a GOD. For me, imperfection makes everything perfect. Through imperfection, you can be a whole complete by sharing a part of your life with someone that you love most.

But, then again, I can never know what’s in your heart. It’s you who knows what’s inside. Only you who know what to do.

Justifiable Affair

Pernah denger gak ama istilah justifiable homicide a.k.a pembunuhan yang dibenarkan secara hukum atas alasan self-defense? Gue pernah denger istilah ini di salah satu film sih. Am not sure whether there’s actually a law clause concerning that in the world.

Pembenaran atas sebuah tindakan yang salah. I was thinking mungkin gak kalo hal yang sama bisa berlaku untuk sebuah affair?

When we are married or in a relationship, sometime kita ketemu dengan orang lain selain pasangan kita. Seseorang yang suddenly just tickles our feeling inside. Seseorang yang kemudian membuat kita berpikir, “Where the hell are you all this time?”. Sayangnya, karena beberapa keadaan dan situasi, kita tidak bisa berhubungan lebih jauh dengan orang ini. Perhaps in terms of they’re already attached to someone.

Tapi gimana kalo orang ini menjalani hubungan tersebut dalam situasi terpaksa. Situasi yang membuatnya mau tidak mau harus menjalani hubungan tersebut? Can we then have a relationship with this person?

Mungkin…no, for certain, that kind of relationship gak bisa dibenarkan atas alasan apapun. Itu dalam dunia yang kita ketahui sekarang ini. Tapi, di dunia ini juga selalu ada anomali, selalu ada special cases. Like what I said earlier.

Justifiable affair.

Kadang hal seperti ini gak pernah akan bisa dimengerti oleh orang-orang di sekitar kita. Completely understandable why. They just don’t want us to be hurt. In an affair, there will be someone that’s gonna be hurt in the end. And people around us just don’t want us to be that person.

Tapi, affair juga salah satu bentuk sebuah hubungan. Walaupun, sekali lagi, bukan hubungan yang akan direstui banyak pihak. Relate ke justifiable affair tadi, what if both sides know and have the strong reason why they go with that kind of relationship? They know the risk and they willing to go through with it anyway. Kedua belah pihak berani menempuh resiko tersebut karena …

>>They develop feelings for each other?
>>>>They feel comfort with each other presence?
>>>>>>They … love each other so deeply (terms and conditions apply, of course!)?

Mungkin gak banyak orang yang mengerti kenapa ada dua orang yang mau melakukan semua ini. Mungkin cuman dua belah pihak yang menjalani that justifiable affair yang akan mengerti alasan di balik melakukan semua itu. Mungkin juga it’s only becoming another justifiable reason to justify their action.
Kita mungkin kadangkala terlalu cepat menilai segala sesuatu tanpa melihat suatu alasan di balik semua itu. Mungkin juga kita telah menolak segala sesuatu yang adanya udah berlawanan dengan norma-norma yang berlaku di masyarakat kita, tanpa mencoba memahami alasan tersebut.

Gue belajar satu hal dari cerita ini. You should open your heart, mind and your eyes. Don’t you just wanna know what’s behind the door? Explore all the possibilities that lies ahead. Who knows what will come? ☺


I Like You Just The Way You Are

Lately there are many articles that speak about Helen Mirren. She won an Oscar for her performance as an actress in leading role on “The Queen”.

As seen in many interviews on TV, I must say, she got the look, the class and the elegance in her. Practically she’s got all that effortless. It came from the inside.

Waktu ngeliat dia di Oscar, gue stunned. She was so beautiful. Bahkan dia gak kalah cantik dibandingkan bintang-bintang muda yang lainnya.

Kenapa gue nulis tentang ini? Ngapain juga sih nih orang nulis tentang Helen Mirren ? My point ngomongin dia adalah : liat gak? You don’t have to push yourself too hard so other people would recognize / notice about you. If you’re good, you’re good. If they love you, they love you just the way you are.

Kadang semakin usia orang semakin tua, biasa mereka semakin takut kalo mereka gak akan disukain lagi orang-orang di sekitar mereka. Come on lah, getting old is natural. It’s something yang udah gak bisa dihindarin. Dicegah dalam berbagai macam cara pun pasti in the end, it will show anyway. Keriput, gray hairs and more will shows itself anyway. Kenapa sih banyak dari budaya / lifestyle di belahan dunia manapun susah banget nerima kenyataan kalo mereka tambah tua? Bahkan as we know some of these people malah ngelakuin operasi plastik, implant payudara, nyuntik botox, liposuction!!! Kenapa sih gak duit untuk begituan disumbang buat apa kek?

Liat dunks Helen Mirren, Rima Melati, Widyawati …they grow old gracefully dan tetep cantik kan?

Gue adalah tipikal orang yang percaya kalo beauty does come from inside. So no matter what, you don’t have to put your effort to the limit just to make people recognize your presence. I find these people are just pathetic. It applies for both sexes.


M vs F

Hihihi...I smiled when I saw above image on Njie's blog. It reflects the different way of thinking between men and women.

For those who find it difficult to understand, more or less here's the explanation.
Somebody asked you to go to GAP (it's a clothing label from USA) store in a mall to buy a pair of pants. A specific task for you to deal with. GAP Store - choose - grab - pay the pants - and then done.
If you look at the image, it shows that man can get right to the GAP Store and finished his task within 6 min (of course this just an illustration). While women, hehehe they're lurking around the mall, enter each store that they can enter. In the end, they spent 3 hrs and 26 min in the mall and forgot their task to go to the GAP Store to buy a pair of pants.

Hehehe...of course. It is just an illustration. But, it's just so funny.


I Learned From The Best

Suatu hari yang cerah…jalan-jalan sore lah gue ama Ans. Dijemputlah gue, dan meluncurlah kita ke Plaza Senayan. Perjalanan itu kemudian menjadi 30 menit terlama dalam hidup gue.

I love music. Love it so much that I can hear one song thousand times over and over again. But, I just can’t stand listening to one music singed by some stress bimbo (hehehe..sorry Ans).

Okay…she’s in stress and been through a pain relationship with her man. But, singing this particular song over and over again…MAN SHE’S MENTAL!!!!

Imagine you have a friend who sings in a center stage, crying out loud, acting like she’s a superstar but, this time she sings in a car in the middle of traffic jam.

Whitney Houston was her choice at that moment and below is the lyric. Review the lyric and then you’ll know how pathetic she can be. Wakakakak…beneran gak bermaksud nyela lho, Nis.

I Learned From The Best - Whitney Houston

Did you really think that I would really take you back
Let you back in my heart one more time
Ohh. No. No.
Did you think that I'd still care
That there'd be more feeling there
Did you think you could walk back in my life.
So you found you miss the love you threw away. Baby but you found it out too late. Too Late.

And so now you know the way it feels to cry
The way that I cried when you broke my world in two.
Baby I learned the way to break a heart
I learned from the best.
I learned from you.
Oh baby now.
I learned from you
I remember cold nights
Tears I though would never dry
How you shattered my world
With your goodbye.Your goodbye baby
Would've sold my soul then.
Just to have you back again
Now you're the last thing on my mind.
Now you say your sorry and You've changed your ways Sorry but you changed you ways too late.

So when all you've got are sleepless nights
When those tears are clouding up your eyes
Just remember it was you who said goodbye
Who said goodbye.

ps : i do not upload the song. coz i don't fond of it very much

What Ans did, I have to say, kelewat dibawa masuk ke dalam hati. Although sebenernya gak fair juga buat gue untuk ngomong seperti itu. Kadang rasa sakit hati yang dialami seseorang punya kadar yang berbeda-beda and I’m in no position to be the judge of that. Setiap orang punya caranya sendiri dalam mengatasi rasa sakit hati mereka.

Regarding the song, it does quite have a deep meaning actually. Though I must say, it is also cheesy. To you who read this next line, please do bear in mind, it’s has nothing to do with my life, other person’s life or what-so-ever. All the side effects of this next line are purely coincidental.

“Most men / women can never be thankful for what they have in their life. They sometime never can appreciate something precious in their life, until it’s gone. Once it’s gone there will only be regret. Is it too late? No, I, personally have to say no. But, one can not expect for that precious to come back and fill your life again. If that’s happens, you will now learn to pay more respect and give more of your best for your precious thing. So, you won’t repeat the same mistake”


Time Flies

Funny how time flies ya. Also, it’s miracalous how time can change people.
Dua malam yang lalu, gue ketemu ama temen SMP gue di Citos. Tyas, namanya. Gak nyangka kalo ternyata dia berubah jadi demikian cantik. Hehehe…padahal kalo inget dulu, dia punya rambut yang gede…bayangin gini deh, pernah nonton The Princess Diary ndak? Inget rambutnya Anne Hathaway gak sebelum dia dimake-over? Well, there you go!!! Hehehe…

Sekarang Tyas udah berubah jadi orang yang I have to admit very beautiful in a way. Dia sekarang jadi model. Gee…manalah nyangka kalo ternyata dia bisa bergaya depan kamera? Hehehe…

When I look again, it is so funny and weird how time can affect us in many way.
Orang yang mungkin dulunya kita pandang dengan sebelah mata karena dulunya kita tau kalo dia itu kurang pandai dalam urusan akademis, eh ternyata ke depannya dia malah jadi Brand Manager salah satu FMCG ternama.
orang yang dulu kita kenal sebagai orang yang pinter banget, ke depannya malah jadi orang yang biasa-biasa aja. Time is a peculiar thing kan? Funny and weird yet it is amazing.

Bahkan ada pepatah yang bilang :
“Time heals”

Dulu…gue manalah percaya begituan. Setidaknya gue baru percaya waktu gue broken hearted and only time that helps me a lot. But, sometime yang namanya pepatah, ada kalanya salah juga. Sama aja seperti semua hal yang ada di muka bumi ini, gak pernah bakalan ada yang sempurna. Waktu pun demikian. Ada kalanya waktu pun gak bisa nyembuhin hati yang luka, ada kalanya waktu gak bisa membuat lu ngelupain seseorang dan ada kalanya waktu tidak merubah apapun dalam diri seseorang.

Kadang kalo mikir kayak begitu…gue jadi mikir lagi…is there anything perfect in this world? Am sorry, bahkan orang bijak sekalipun bisa salah, even GOD himself could make mistakes. If I’m not mistaken, dulu Dia pernah menyesali keputusan-Nya untuk menghukum satu suku bangsa tertentu di waktu dulu. And suddenly Dia menyesali keputusannya itu. Tapi, from that we know that time can make us more wise. Coz time let us learn from our mistake that has been made.

It's Only Hurt When I'm Breathing

Baru dapet lagu ini dari temen gue. Gak tau maksudnya apa sih dia ngasih lagu ini, out of the blue. But, it is a nice tune anyway. I notice that the lyric's quite good also. Temen gue cuman bilang begini di email-nya...

"Waktu gw masih mooning over that "previously love of my life", gw suka dengerin lagu ini. Agak2 masochist siy, tapi it really captures my feeling. Kalo gw denger lagu ini lagi, somehow there's a part of me that still and will always remember that someone - after all this person was, once, the love of my life.
You should be thankful to God for giving you a chance to love that much and that deep no matter how painful it is.
There's nothing in the world - or other people said and do - can make you heal, you will heal when it's time for you to heal and to move on. And I hope time will heal all your pain."

Hope life’s been good to you
Since you’ve been gone
I’m doin’ fine now, I’ve finally moved on
It’s not so bad, I’m not that sad

I’m not surprised just how well I survived
I’m over the worst, and I feel so alive
I can’t complain, I’m free again

And it only hurts when I’m breathing
My heart only breaks when it’s beating
My dreams only die when I’m dreaming
So, I hold my breath--to forget

Don’t think I’m lyin’ round cryin’ at night
There’s no need to worry, I’m really all right
I’ve never looked back--as a matter of fact

It only hurts when I breathe
No, I’ve never looked back
As a matter fact

Hurts when I’m breathing
Breaks when it’s beating
Die when I’m dreaming
It only hurts when I breathe

if you want to download this song, please right-click here

...I rest my case but yet still hoping for a miracle to happen.

Resolusi yang Tertahan

Rada terlambat ya kalo gue baru bikin resolusi tahun baru saat-saat sekarang? Hehehe…no probs lah. Better late than never kan?

Abis gimana dunks, gue baru sempet kepikiran sekarang resolusinya. Setelah akhirnya setelah 1 bulan ini gue (jujur aja neh) sibuk banget ama urusan kantor.
Resolusi gue tahun ini ada beberapa item. It is subject to adjustment ya, of course. Iya lah, gilingan kalo gue kudu saklek ngejalaninnya. Bisa-bisa malah ngeganggu balance hidup gue. Okay…here we goes.


Tahun lalu resolusi ini, gagal mulu untuk dijalanin. It’s all about time management sih sebenernya. Mungkin sekarang lebih bisa teratur, since work flow kerjaan gue udah mulai kepegang.

Beberapa temen gue sering nanya beberapa pertanyaan seperti :

“Lu koq gak keliatan kalo lu ikutan fitness sih?”


“Ngapain sih lu ikutan fitness?”

Hmmmpphh…begini lho teman-temanku, gue ikutan fitness dengan tujuan supaya badan gue gak berbunyi ngek-ngok di waktu uzur nanti, biar gue tetep fit. Kalo kalian pikir, gue ikutan fitness supaya bisa punya badan bak model-model pakaian dalam Calvin Klein, THEN THINK AGAIN!!! Gak lah, gue malah gak pengen punya badan kotak-kotak begitu. Bagus sih memang. Tapi, from my point of view, rasanya it’s too artificial. Gak alami. Intinya apapun yang berlebihan itu gak bagus, begitupun dengan terlalu berkekurangan. Jadi mendingan gue tetep nyimpen sejumlah fat di sekitar perut gue. Terlepas dari badan gue jadi bagus ato gak, am sure there’s somebody for me out there koq. Walaupun demikian gue tetep pengen lah hasil fitnessnya keliatan, sedikit berbentuk. Hihihihihi……

Carreer & Education…

Gue pengen jadi orang sakkkseeessss….]
Gue pengen bisa lebih focus ama kerjaan, I have to be the best lah pokoknya.
For my education, gue harus bisa kuliah lagi taun ini. Jangan tanya kenapa, karena I have my own reason.

Ternyata cuman segitu aja sih resolusi gue. Hehehe…
Jangan tanya soal love life ya. Gue gak mau bikin resolusi yang aneh-aneh untuk love life gue. Just live it.

Sekarang segini dulu ah. Belum terinspirasi untuk nulis lagi. Hey, at least gue ng-update kan? Hehehehe…..

Mengertilah Kasih

Cintamu kudamba, walaupun tak pasti.
Kuhadirkan sayang, di setiap langkahmu.
Masih saja ada yang kutunggu.
Kasih sempurnakan cinta kita.
Ketulusan cintaku bagai angin lalu.
Keraguan itu masih slalu ada.
Sampai kapan kasih, bahagia kan tercipta?

Mengertilah kasih…Pintaku ini.
Satu yang tersisa lagi tuk lengkapi hidupku.
Waktu tak menunggu.
Hari smakin senja.
Pastikan kasih, coba tuk mengerti.

Andai saja dosa itu tak pernah kusentuh dulu. Kembali percayamu….sayang.

Mengertilah kasih…Pintaku ini.
Satu yang tersisa lagi tuk lengkapi hidupku.
Waktu tak menunggu.
Hari smakin senja.
Pastikan kasih, mengertilah kasih.

Selagi masih sempet, selagi masih ada waktu, selagi nafas masih ada...biarkan orang yang kalian sayangi tahu akan perasaan kalian terhadapnya. Walaupun pada akhirnya keadaan tidak berjalan sesuai harapan kalian. Setidaknya kalian telah mengambil kesempatan itu untuk mengatakannya...

...First note of 2007. Happy New Year.