Attention! Cuddle Bear

Agak gak nyambung ya dengan judul tapi....I guess you'll know what am trying to say.

Seringkali gue ngerasa takut terhadap segala bentuk perhatian dan rasa sayang yang gue tunjukkin towards my spouse.

Takut kalo dia someday, someway ngerasa kalo perhatian yang gue kasih terlalu over. Walaupun in my defense, semata-mata gue berbuat itu karena yaaa....emang gue sayang banget ama dia. No other reason. Saking's like that you don't want to be separated from your love one even for a while.

Mungkin that's my biggest weakness when it comes to a relationship. Sometimes I tends to be attention freak. :)
Sebenernya sih, as long as I know where my spouse is; as long as the communication runs smoothly, continuous and intensively; as long as my spouse is willing to share setiap aspek dalam hidupnya...then I shouldn't be such an attention freak. Tapi, this bad habit of mine reduce gradually within time since someone said something that made me believe kalo ternyata masih ada orang yang bener-bener bisa memegang kata-katanya saat awal pertemuan gue dengan dia.

Balik lagi, tidak ada niat untuk membuat siapapun terutama orang yang gue sayang untuk merasa suffocating dengan segala bentuk perhatian yang gue kasih.
Apa yang gue lakuin, hanya semata-mata untuk bilang "I love you for good". Nothing more, nothing less. People just have different way of showing their attention...and if I'm being so spoiled like a child that is so happy when he get presents,....that's just the way it is of showing how much I love you.


!ariwwok said...

woii aaa.. :D

Alam Taslim said...

Berlebihan pastinya gak bagus.. apapun alasannya yah.. :p

Yang sedang-sedang saja Den..