True Love's Kiss

Okay...this may becoming the hideous blog I've ever made.

But, truly, seriously have you ever been dreaming of finding your true love's kiss?

As we live in reality, it's hard to even believe there is such thing as true love's kiss. Do they exist?

Perhaps, they do exist.

Magic, miracles and fairy tales are all in books. Most of us knows that. Most of believe they only exist in books. The same like true love's kiss. In reality, the possibility of finding it equals to zero.

But, what do we forget is that miracles are made by our own hands. Therefore, true love's kiss may exist also. As long as we believe that we do have the power and willingness to create one.

Yes, I do aware that I might sell bull here. I?

Am I selling some cock and bull stories here? If so...then might as well we cease our existence as human being.

If human can still create beautiful script that played in most of our theaters in our world...then why don't we create that into reality? I think, we just have enough power to do that. Don't ya think?

Those things are things that keeps us alive and full of hope. That what makes us human. That's what miracle's all about. That's what we longing and dream for.

Get up and say "I Love You" to your true love. And find that true love's kiss.

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Judulnya menggoda ya? Buat jadi judul pilem Endonesa atau sinetron wanna-be-high-budget-high-class-type-A di tipi-tipi nasional boleh juga tuh.

Eh, tunggu dulu. Bukan mau bikin skrip drama nih.

Asal muasal keluar tuh kata, dari Fi, sohib gue yang lagi curhat urusan laki-nye. Biasa lah, nama juga pasangan ya ...ada aja berantemnya. Tapi, today dia sort-of-having-request :
"...gak bisa ya gue dapetin keintiman tanpa perlu dibumbui intrik yang tak berguna..."

(note : kutipan diberikan bumbu untuk mendramatisir kejadian yang sebenernya, jika ada yang tersinggung ... D'oh! Please deh...gue minta maaf).

And then terusnya gue mikir ... Iya ya, is it possible? ....menurut gue, kayaknya gak mungkin deh. Intim tanpa intrik, koq rasa-rasanya, cenderung menjadikan 2 orang sebagai fuck-buddy instead of lover. Iya ndak? Intrik buat gue sama kayak berjuta hal lain di dunia ini yang punya 2 sisi mata koin yang berbeda. Dia bisa berarti buruk tapi juga bisa baik. Setidaknya kalo yang gue dapet referensi dari sih demikian. Dalam bahasa Inggris, intrigue punya beberapa definisi yang positif maupun negatif. Jadi selanjutnya gue akan mengacu ke arti intrik dalam bahasa inggris. Karena cangkupannya lebih luas dah.

Anyway...keintiman tanpa intrik rasanya ya gitu, kayak fuck-buddy ndak?

Lu bisa intim, tapi di antara lu berdua gak akan mungkin terjadi friksi. Kenapa gak mungkin? Yah iya lah...kalian gak berusaha untuk saling kenal lebih dekat satu sama lain anyway kan? All u need is the INTIMACY ONLY without any other complexity. Sebaliknya, jika kita berusaha mengenal satu sama lain dengan lebih baik, pasti agaknya bakalan berat kan ya bow, untuk menghindari friksi yang terusnya bisa berubah menjadi intrik. Hal kecil bisa jadi gede.

My point exactly is INTIMACY without INTRICACY is a privilege yang gak semua orang bisa dapet. Karena, gak semua orang bisa menerapkan FREESTYLE SEX di ranah publik Indonesia ini kan?
Gak perlu lah jauh-jauh urusan esek-esek...pegangan tangan, kecupan di kening, rangkul-merangkul udah termasuk keintiman ya. Nah, rasanya hari gini...kecuali ada terms and condition lain yang applied...hampir-hampir gak mungkin deh.

Kalopun ada....ya.....berbahagialah orang itu.
Sedangkan kalo buat gue sendiri, gue aware sepenuhnya bahwa segala hal dalam hidup ini ada sebab dan akibatnya. Begitu juga dengan keintiman, gak mungkin dihindari dari yang namanya intrik, problem atau apapun itu namanya. Karena intrik itu sendiri adalah bumbu kehidupan. Hal itu lah yang membuat kita bisa belajar menjadi pasangan yang lebih baik untuk pasangan kita sendiri dan sebaliknya.


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I Have A Dream

Years of searching, might result to nothing.

I just came to a conclusion that finding the right one is more or less almost impossible.

Am not saying it's impossible. I still have hope and I'm sure they'll come eventually in a beautiful way, within the right time.

The thing is,if you wish for someone who will taking good care of you in a way you wish it could be, that would be hard to find. Our ideal may not come to be an ideal thing when it comes to reality. Then, should we stop?

The answer would be NO.

Why? Coz that what makes us alive. That what makes you are now. That what makes you different than any other person in this whole wide world.

One thing, I learn not to worry much.
HE knows what's best for you. Though sometime we think, we're being left-out and abandon. But...HE did things in HIS way. And it is not an easy thing for us to understand.

Just have a little faith in yourself.


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