One Fine Day - A Note From The Past

one fine day
you'll look at me
and then you'll know our love was
meant to be

one fine day
you're gonna want me
for your girl, oh yeah

the arms I long for
will open wide
and you'll be proud to have me
right by your side

one fine day
you're gonna want me
for your girl

though i know you're
kind of a boy
who only wants to run around

i'll keep waiting
and someday, darling
you'll come to me
when you want to settle down

one fine day
we'll meet once more
and then you'll want the love you
threw away before

one fine day
you're gonna want me
and one fine day
you're gonna want me
and one fine day
you're gonna want me
for your girl

You want to hear this song? Download it here

Gue gak jago ngebedah lirik. Tapi, gue bisa baca dan gue ngerti bahasa Inggris. This song meant a lot for me. Terserah deh, lu mau bilang gue sok mellow ato apapun. If I become a singer and a songwriter…this is the kind of song and lyric that I will make and I will sing it from the bottom of my heart.

A song about love and hope, that simple. Hope that I will find so
meone who will care for me like the way I want. Someone who will cuddle me into sleep, put me on a blanket in the middle of the night when I feel cold then hug me real tight and warm. Someone who will love me and cherish me for good. Someone who shares the same dream. But, then this someone threw me out of their life.

Gue denger lagu ini untuk pertama kalinya waktu nonton film One Fine Day di bioskop (sendirian pastinya!). Lagu ini jadi lagu openingnya. By the time I finished watching this movie, gue langsung beli soundtracknya. Then again emang ini kebiasaan gue setelah nonton film yang gue suka banget biasanya. Listen and listen, trus lama-lama gue jadi suka banget ama lagu ini.

Somehow saking seringnya gue denger lagu ini, gue jadi ngerasa kena tulah dari lagu ini. Taken for granted. Hehehe…gue rasanya makin expertise di area ini.

Mungkin salah gue juga yang terlalu gampang fall in love dari dulu. You see…this is my bad habit and I think it’s a curse that runs in my family. When I love someone, which is so easy to make me love someone, this particular someone already have all of my heart. And it’s easy to make me die (hyperbolically), just say goodbye to me and then you fulfilled the task. Karena kebiasaan itu pulalah yang akhirnya ngebuat gue jadi taken for granted oleh siapapun. Tipikal manusia yang habis manis sepah dibuang, that’s who I am. Hehehe….

Gak pernah gampang waktu lu fall in love. Bahkan waktu saat-saat lu nyangkal kalo lagi fall in love. Lu gak akan pernah tau kapan bakal jatuh cinta. Lebih sakit lagi waktu lu jatuh cinta dan lu mengira udah ketemu ama orang yang lu pikir punya semua yang bisa lu impiin. Rasanya kayak it’s too good to be true. From that experience, gue belajar satu hal yang baru. There’s no such thing as perfect.

Yes. I once met this kind of person. Seseorang yang gue rasa bisa jadi someone that I will spend the rest of my life with. Seseorang yang gue rasa dia punya mimpi dan keinginan yang sama kayak gue. Seseorang yang buat gue sempurna. Tapi, dia punya kekurangan. Kekurangannya adalah dia gak punya kekurangan. But, I once said, kalo misalnya things just doesn’t work between two persons, just say it. Don’t run and hide. And I respect this person for doing so. It hurts like hell. But, I would prefer that way and become friend. Rather than run and hide with no further explanations. Whether we will become friends afterwards, I can’t tell. It is what I want. But, one can not force somebody to become friends. Maybe the relationship was way too hurt to remember. Besides time heals.

It was one fine day. One fine day. Really, one fine day. I want to say that I’m willing to wait for you. But, I am also afraid if I will make the endless waiting. Though I don’t mind to wait. What is time when you have the chance for eternity?

Maybe it is my fate to be alone with my dream. Then again no one asked what my dream is, until this person came along and asked me the question.

Then…it’s all gone just by minutes. It’s been a while since I felt that way. The feeling of being struck by a million of spears.

It’s all in the past. That one fine day is in the past.

I can’t and I don’t want to fall in love again (for now and for quite sometime).

PS. I don’t even know what I am writing about. So, please whoever read this article, please ignore it.
A sound from the past. A scream in silence. A tear that fall in the depth of darkness. Let me be alone.

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